It's a Biblical promise that inspires awe and wonder, but one that seems unknowable until you leave this earth and your temporal body behind. But, what if you could experience heaven now? What if you were meant to do it now? God has made a way for us to experience and live in the realm that Jesus Himself ascended to after His resurrection.There is an open invitation, and God is inviting you in.

The stars in the Heavens make up the only clock God ever created, and right now the stars are telling a story of great transition. The old astronomical age is passing away, and a new one is dawning this very moment. While the term, "new age," has been around for a while, we need to find out what a new age means from a Biblical perspective. We call this the Cosmic Clock and the Ages. The Hebrew Bible calls it the Mazzaroth. No matter what you call it, it's time to take a look at the way God tells time, and what we can learn about this upcoming Cosmic Shift.

Encountering and Relating to the Angelic world is not just for the heroes of the faith. All of us will find our perception of these wonderful spiritual beings growing as we grow up into the image of God. Journey with us from the prophet Daniel, to the gospels, to Revelation, to early church fathers like St. Patrick, and see the distance between man and the angels become smaller and smaller. Jesus enjoyed a close partnership with the angelic world, and as we are following Him, we will discover the very same heavenly interaction.

There's a promise in the very beginning of the Bible. It's a world where mankind and nature work together in perfect harmony. It seems like a distant memory that only makes its way into our lives in books or movies. Yet, this first job that mankind was given is also the next commission God is giving to the earth. It's written in the book of Romans that our job is to "free the creation." But, to free it, we need to know it. Relationship is the key, just as it is with the angelic world. And, as we get to know creation in a new, living, and personal way, we will step into the calling for which we were made.

It's all about God's perfect plan to restore mankind, and the creation, to wholeness and fullness. Let's learn together, practice together, and grow together. Let's ask the questions, "What can we change? What can we create when we are together? How can we demonstrate true human kingship in Christ?" Each person has a part to bring as we transition into this next age.